Podcast Recap: Navigating Your Next Steps After Secondary School
- Will, 17 – Currently in his second year of college and founder of GenZ AC.
- Frankie, 15 – Studying for her GCSEs and unsure of her path.
What They Talk About:
Deciding on A Levels vs. Apprenticeships
- Frankie’s considering taking two main A Levels plus a more “laid back” third option—subjects like Psychology or Criminology catch her interest.
- She worries if certain non-A-Level courses will count for university admissions. Will points out some universities focus on UCAS points, while others require specific A Levels.
Will’s College Reality
- He shares his own experience doing Maths, Physics, and Business—it’s interesting, but the workload can be heavy.
- He’s found the college is supportive if you fall behind, but it’s easy to procrastinate and get overwhelmed with homework.
Friends, Social Life & Starting Fresh
- Frankie’s nervous about going to a college where only one other friend might join her.
- Will recalls arriving alone at his college and eventually building new friendships; everyone’s in the same boat, so confidence helps you branch out.
Balancing Part-Time Work and Homework
- They discuss whether it’s realistic to hold a job alongside A Levels. Homework can stack up, but if you schedule wisely, it’s doable.
- Will cautions that if studies fall behind, you might need to cut back on part-time hours to keep grades on track.
The Stress of Big Decisions & Limited Guidance
- Whether it’s choosing A Levels, apprenticeships, or a university course, figuring out “what next?” can be overwhelming.
- Frankie and Will both wish they’d had more personalized support. Often, schools give general CV-writing tips, but students still feel stuck.
Enter GenZ AC
- Frustrated by the lack of tailor-made career advice, Will founded GenZ AC to help young people explore all their options.
- By inputting your interests, UCAS points, and location, you can discover uni courses, apprenticeships, or other paths that align with your goals. Will got 4 out of 5 university offers with the help of GenZ AC’s guidance.
Key Takeaways:
- Try different paths: You can switch courses within the first few weeks or even re-take a year if your initial choice isn’t right.
- Stay organized: A Levels demand time. Balancing part-time work is doable if you plan carefully—avoid letting procrastination snowball.
- Don’t stress over making friends: Everyone’s new at college; stepping out of your comfort zone is a chance to grow.
- Use available tools: Platforms like GenZ AC give you clarity on what’s out there—apprenticeships, degree routes, or something else entirely.
Final Word
If you’re like Frankie, feeling uncertain about which college to attend or whether you should jump into an apprenticeship, remember:
“This isn’t the rest of your life, just your next chapter. Make a choice, stay flexible, and lean on the resources—like GenZ AC—that exist to guide you.”
Give GenZ AC a try, and see how it can help you land on the right path, from applying to universities or courses near you, to discovering non-traditional paths you might not have considered.